Ref: CC.L.085/2554
Date: 12 December, 2011
Subject: Response your inquiry for Product Concern
Dear Khun Chanchai,
Thank you for your recent emails and phone calls to Mitsubishi Motors (Thailand).
We have acknowledged your concern regarding your experienced with your Pajero Sport; while the
vehicle was running through puddle road, occasionally some water splashed all over the
windshield. As the result, we would

to conclude again on the phenomenal by this letter, it is
likely to be a norm for such condition with any vehicle.
Recently, we have explained the above with you during conversation on 21st September, 2011
and reply emails on 12nd October, 2011. We would

to inform you again that there is nothing
further we can do to bring into a more desirable on this concern rather than the conclusion.
However, your concern on such experienced with the puddle road was reported and conveyed to
respective division and vendor, indeed for further study and utilization for product development in a
Mitsubishi Motors has made tremendous gains in customer satisfaction and vehicle quality.
Regrettabiy, we have not met your expectations. Please accept our apologies for inconvenience
you have experienced. Although, we can not provide a more favorable reply, we appreciate your
writing and calling to share your concern with us.
Pipat Lee-lsaranukul
General Manager
Call Center Division
Office of Corporate Administration
Mitsubishi Motors (Thailand) (20., Ltd.